Labour Rights

Child labour

BJ-Gear's suppliers must not become involved in child labour – either directly or indirectly. In general, children should not work until they are above the compulsory school age. The minimum age for full-time employment is 15 years (or 14 years should local legislation permit it). Employees who are younger than 18 years old must not carry out hazardous work or work at night, regardless of the number of hours they work. The minimum age for light work/after school work (work that does not interfere with a child's education) is 13 years of age (or 12 years should local legislation permit it). With regard to all types of work, the supplier must seek to take special care when organising work tasks, working hours and workloads considering the young age of the employee. 

Forced labour and freedom of movement

BJ-Gear's suppliers must not use forced or bonded labour – either directly or indirectly. Forced or bonded labour is any kind of work or service that is performed involuntarily under threat of penalty. Employees must have the right to freedom of movement during their employment. 
BJ-Gear's suppliers must not withhold personal documents, work permits or salaries from their employees as this can prevent the employees from leaving their employment. Employees must be given a confirmation of their working terms and conditions, in accordance with local legislation. 


When hiring people or during employment, BJ-Gears suppliers must not discriminate based on race, skin colour, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, age, disability, nationality, social or ethnic background, financial circumstances, sexual orientation, origin or other status – either directly or indirectly. 

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

BJ-Gears suppliers must not interfere with the right of employees to join a union or their right to collective bargaining. In situations or in countries where freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted by local legislation, BJ-Gears suppliers must recognise that employees can exercise their freedom of association and collective bargaining in some other way. 


Labour rights animation